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Job Hub

We have a trained staff team that offers customised, expert advice to anyone in Camden seeking support with employment, training and volunteering opportunities.


Job Hub

We have a trained staff team that offers customised, expert advice to anyone in Camden seeking support with employment, training and volunteering opportunities.

What is

The SomersTown
Job Hub

Get In Touch


Many Job Hub clients start by volunteering to build up their experience and skills, and we have a skilled volunteer coordinator who can help find you the perfect volunteering opportunity.


We can also help you to build your confidence, through one to one support; access to on-site groups and workshops or work with you to identify training and or education that will give you the chance to gain a qualification and a chance to learn and grow.

Create your CV

We can also help you to create or update your CV, find and apply for jobs, and practise for interviews. Are you feeling stuck with your job applications, or attending lots of interviews, but not getting a job offer?

Join Us

The Job Hub team is happy to meet with you.

What is

The SomersTown
Job Hub

Get In Touch


Many Job Hub clients start by volunteering to build up their experience and skills, and we have a skilled volunteer coordinator who can help find you the perfect volunteering opportunity.


We can also help you to build your confidence, through one to one support; access to on-site groups and workshops or work with you to identify training and or education that will give you the chance to gain a qualification and a chance to learn and grow.

Create your CV

We can also help you to create or update your CV, find and apply for jobs, and practise for interviews. Are you feeling stuck with your job applications, or attending lots of interviews, but not getting a job offer?

Join Us

The Job Hub team is happy to meet with you.


Job Hub History

The Somers Town Job Hub is a physical local centre based in the heart of the community where residents can come to receive employment advice on a one-to-one and group basis, find out about job vacancies, volunteering opportunities and obtain advice in relation to benefits. Join employability-related clubs, activities and training courses; access support for application forms, CVs and interview techniques and also find out about other support and advice services linked to their employment situation (e.g. healthcare, childcare, language); and meet and exchange experiences with people in similar circumstances.

The Job Hub was conceived and developed throughout 2014 in response to community research that identified a range of employability and job-related issues as a primary concern amongst local people.

Job Hub

Evidencing The Need

The Somers Town Job Hub has been driven by community needs from the outset. For too long, regeneration models have been ‘top down’ approaches in this deprived part of London, perceived as being parachuted in with no long term viability or gain; and to the detriment of existing groups. The Business Education and Employment Group (Beet Group) of the Somers Town Neighbourhood Forum were asked to undertake research into the barriers to employment for the BAME community in  Somers Town by Camden Councils Economic Development team, it was decided that STCA would lead this piece of research into the employment and employability issues facing local people in Somers Town.

In a break with traditional research methods, STCA employed its Community Organisers to undertake the primary research. The underpinning ethos of the approach was that it should be conceived as and delivered from a community level perspective. Community ownership was a fundamental part of the project that would contribute to supporting local people to bring about self determined positive change. The research identified a range of barriers as well as solutions that have inspired the Job Hub development. Crucially, local residents were trained up as Community Organisers and using the Root Solution Listening Matters methodology as local residents themselves were able to reach people in the community who would not normally participate in such research, which ensured the model chosen for the Somers Town Job Hub was one that they would engage with and there in is the reason for its subsequent success and why Camden Council used the model as part of their Good Work Camden.

The research findings, were published in a report called ‘Work It Out – Access to employment in Somers Town’


Our Projects

Job Hub


The Somers Town Job Hub seeks to tackle underlying and deep-seated barriers to employment. It is based in the St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre in the heart of the community where residents can come to find out about jobs, receive advice on volunteering or benefits information, gain support with application forms and CVs and access to training.

Job Hub


The Somers Town Job Hub seeks to tackle underlying and deep-seated barriers to employment. It is based in the St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre in the heart of the community where residents can come to find out about jobs, receive advice on volunteering or benefits information, gain support with application forms and CVs and access to training.


Priority is to develop a SomersTown Jobs Hub that:


To bring together all sectors inclusive of statutory voluntary and business to support people to find employment.

To develop the employability skills and employment opportunities for all local people where a need is identified.

To work in a full circle approach ensuring the journey of support for a person accessing the Job Hub means that they are linked into the full range of support on offer from the wider programme of services we deliver, as we know being without work is never as simple as one issue.

Job Hub

Our Rationale

Co-locating employment, community and support services in one accessible community hub is driven by needs identified by the community. This is a central plank of our approach.

We believe that delivering a Somers Town Jobs Hub will lead to:

– Better employment outcomes for local people
– Better access to improved employment and support services
– Reduced service delivery costs
– Reduced duplication of services
– Increased opportunities for joined up services for people with multiple needs.

This model and approach was given Exemplar status by DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) as part of the Our Place Programme 2016 and rolled out by Camden Council as part of their Good Work Camden model.

Job Hub

Our Rationale

Co-locating employment, community and support services in one accessible community hub is driven by needs identified by the community. This is a central plank of our approach.

We believe that delivering a Somers Town Jobs Hub will lead to:

– Better employment outcomes for local people
– Better access to improved employment and support services
– Reduced service delivery costs
– Reduced duplication of services
– Increased opportunities for joined up services for people with multiple needs.

This model and approach was given Exemplar status by DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) as part of the Our Place Programme 2016 and rolled out by Camden Council as part of their Good Work Camden model.

Job Hub

Vision & Opportunity

We want our neighbourhood to have a wide range of good job opportunities and businesses that are created/established by local people, but equally where businesses based in the area recrut locally with good jobs, that are well paid and have potential. 

We want it to be a place where our academic and creative neighbours connect with and are accessible to the local community; and children grow up to attend the local academic institutions that are their neighbourds, where quality homes and green spaces are the norm; where there is a place to grab a pint of milk or go for a stylish affordable meal; and where there are abundant opportunities for people to play, learn, laugh and share together.

Somers Town Community Association, 150 Ossulston Street London NW1 1EE
Registered Charity number: 292440
Company Limited by Guarantee 1903408

☎ 020 7388 608
[email protected]

Somers Town Community Association is a Charity dedicated to providing a meaningful and positive influence at every level of people’s lives.


Somers Town Community Association, 150 Ossulston Street London NW1 1EE
Registered Charity number: 292440 Company Limited by Guarantee 1903408

☎ 020 7388 608
[email protected]

Somers Town Community Association is a Charity dedicated to providing a meaningful and positive influence at every level of people’s lives.

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